Выдержка из текста работы
- Philosophy as a specific type of knowledge and the mode of cognition of the world.
- the typology of knowledge;
- the peculiarity of philosophical knowledge;
- the difference of philosophy as a form of social consciousness from those as mythology, art, morality and science;
- importance of philosophy in contemporary social life. The functions of philosophy;
- The subject of philosophy.
- the object and the subject of philosophical researching;
- freedom and creativity as being purport of human existence;
- Philosophy as the theoretical basis of worldview.
- the essence and the structure of worldview;
- the historical forms of worldview;
- the ontological and gnoseological basis of materialism and idealism the basic worldview positions in philosophy;
- Philosophy as general methodology.
- dialectics and metaphysics as methods of philosophical cognition;
- the historical forms of dialectics.
Basic categories and concepts:
Philosophy – an area of intellectual activity which is based both on a special type of thought and on the autonomy of its subject matter – Man in his relation to the world;
Worldview – a system of generalized sensibilities, of intuitive notions and the theoretical views of the surrounding world and man’s place in it;
Materialism – takes the world which exists objectively and independently of the consciousness of man and of mankind. Explanation of the world from the world itself – such is the worldview and methodological principle of materialism;
Idealism – insists that the development of the world is determined by the spiritual element;
Agnosticism – philosophical position representatives of which believe that the world is in principle unknowable;
Dialectics – is the method and the theory of development in its most complete, deep-going, and comprehensive forms. It is based on two basic principles: development and universal connection;
Metaphysics – is characterized by the static mode of thinking, by the veering of thought from one extreme to the other, by the exaggeration of some aspect of an object, such as stability,
repetition, and relative independence;
Monism – philosophical position holding that the development of the world is determined by only one element either material or spiritual;
Dualism – philosophical position recognizing the equality of both elements, the material and the ideal in the development of the world;
Pluralism – philosophical position regarding several elements as basic in the development of the world.
The problems to be discussed:
- Are there any areas of life that do not involve philosophical issues?
- Suppose someone objected, “If philosophy is ongoing process, what’s the point of engaging in it? You’ll never get any certain answers; your search will never end. Such a prospect is thoroughly depressing. How would you respond to this criticism?
- What is the difference if any between approaching reality through the methods of the natural sciences and approaching reality philosophically?
- Are human beings free or determined?
The topics for the fixed reports:
- Give your account on correlation of philosophy and worldview.
- What do you think of the present days’ myths?
- What is the structure of philosophical knowledge?
- Give your regards on the place and role of philosophy in the system of culture.
- Do you think that philosophy is helpful to alter the world?
The list of literature to be used:
- Alexander Spirkin. Fundamentals of philosophy. Progress Publishers. Moscow. 1990.
- Donald M. Borchert. Encyclopedia of Philosophy / Donald M. Borchert. — New-York : Thomson Gale, 2006. — Vol. 1—10. — 6200 p.
- Jr. H. W. Johnstone What is philosophy? / Jr. H.W. Johnstone. — New-York : Macmillan, 1965. — 287 p.
- Philosophy. Historical-Philosophical Introduction : [the course of lectures] / L.V. Kadnikova − K. : NAU, 2004. — 172 p.
5. Нестеренко В.Г. Вступ до філософії. Онтологія людини. –К.: Абрис, 1995.-С.20-
30, 75-101.
6.Філософія. (Посібник) (Є.М.Причепій, А.М. Черній, В.Д. Гвоздецький та ін.) – К.:
Академія, 2001.- с. 19-37.
7. Філософія. Навчальний посібник.(В.Л. Петрушенко) — К.: Каравела, 2002.-С.12-38.
Supplementary literary sources:
- B. Russel A History of Western Philosophy / B. Russel. – London : George Allen & Unviwn LTD, 2002. — 923 p.
- Mark B. Woodhouse. A preface to philosophy / Mark B. Woodhouse. — [3d ed.]. — Belmont, Calif.: Wadsworth, 1984. — 203 p.
- The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy/ Robert Audi. — Cambridge, New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995. — 1001 p.
- Ильенков Э.В. Философия и культура. Статьи: «Откуда берется ум?», «Учиться мыслить». — М.: Политиздат, 1991.- С.30-56.
- Людина і світ: Підручник (Л.В. Губернський, А.О.Приятельчук, В.П.Андрущенко та ін.) К.:Український центр духовної культури, 1999. С.456-502.
6. КАНКЕ В.А. Философия. Исторический и систематический курс: Учебник для вузов. – М., 2002. – С. 4-20.
7. ВВЕДЕНИЕ в философию: Учебник для вузов. В 2 ч. / Фролов И.Т., Араб-Оглы Э.А., Арефьева Г.С. и др. – М.: Политиздат, 1989. – Ч. 1 – С. 10–73.
Primary sources:
- Bertrand Russel. The Problems of Philosophy / Bertrand Russel. – New York : Oxford University Press, 1959. — 61 p.
- Karl Jaspers. The Origin and Goal of History / Karl Jaspers : [transl. By Michael Bullock]. − New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1953. — 294 p.
- Ortega y Gasset Jose. What is philosophy? — Eelectronic resource : http://www.erraticimpact.com/~20thcentury/html/ortega_y_gasset_jose.htm
- Victor Frankl. Man’s Search for Meaning / Victor Frankl. — New York : Washington Suare Press, 1963. – P. 206—213.